yourdomain > Sacramento > home improvement > RODENT CONTROL - SMART SYSTEM - No chemicals - Se habla espanol (SACRAMENTO & SURROUNDING AREAS)


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Posted : Tuesday, October 03, 2023 04:44 PM

Your Home Needs a SMART Solution for Rodent Prevention.
Introducing Anticimex SMART from Official Pest Prevention.
An innovative way to detect and trap mice and rats in your home that features: -Passive infrared (PIR) and motion-sensing technology -24/7 digital monitoring -Environmentally friendly and low-profile system -Professionally installed and managed HOW IT WORKS We install digital stations that send 24/7 reporting to our monitoring team.
When there are any signs of activity, the SMART system notifies us which traps or sensors cause the activity.
This helps us identify the root cause and resolve the activity.
-Requires no internet -Only requires a power outlet and cellular reception -Affordable rates -Technology similar to those in soap dispensers and sinks -no video or audio recording to protect your privacy RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL 916-318-3486 Does this sound too high tech? We also offer conventional rodent bait stations with monitoring, trapping, and removal starting at $49 (which also includes general pest control service as well).
We also offer service for: -General Pest Control -Mosquitos -Bedbugs -Termites -Aphids -Gopher, Mole, Vole Questions? Give us a call.
Or text us a picture of your pest problem for a free phone consultation.
We can help identify pests, answer questions, and recommend treatment options.
We're happy to help.
916-318-3486 OFFICIAL PEST PREVENTION Se habla espanol.
Licensed, bonded, insured.
Full-service pest control, serving residential and commercial properties in California since 2000.
Whatever your pest problem, we have a solution.
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• Phone : (916) 318-3486

• Location : Sacramento,CA

• Post ID: 9007106503

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